Editorial - Volume 3
Dear young readers,
Welcome to the third edition of Hapagazine. Among the colourful flowers in this bouquet we have the regular fun corner, an interview with an inspiring resident, a feature on a cute canine resident, and a number of poems and essays from some of our budding authors of GV among others. We held an essay competition for kids on October 16. We are excited to bring to you the winning entries.
We live in strange times. The pandemic continues to play hide and seek with us. There are signs of the world slowly walking back to ‘normal’ – a word whose meaning is changing everyday at a dizzying speed. In this rapidly evolving scene, their academic and other responsibilities, our little editors have continued to work hard to bring together this volume for you all. I hope you enjoy reading this volume as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you!
For Hapagazine, it’s always ‘the more the merrier!’ We take this opportunity to invite more kids in Ganga Vertica to join us in the Hapagazine editorial team and experience the fun and enriching process of making a magazine. If you are interested to join the team, please write to us to gvkidsmag@gmail.com or contact any of us.
We sign off wishing you a Happy festival season.
Sujit, Shilpi and the Hapagazine editorial team
Great work folks. Wish you all lots of success !!