From the editor's desk

Sai Harsha and Vigyan Chakrabarti

Hey! This article is from the Kids Hapagazine Editor's desk. We are writing this note so that we can convey what we were thinking while creating this magazine, what inputs we would like to put in our magazine and what we want you to absorb from this magazine. This magazine will be filled with all the interesting stuff that will keep you thinking and stuff which will also increase your brain skills. All these things are discussed in our energetic, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and interesting  meeting.  We are expecting activities like Art work, Poems, Stories and other brilliant stuff you do.


  1. This is so exciting! Thank you for leading the charge!!

  2. Feeling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Can you really pronounce this word. :)
    Great job and all the best for your future publications.

  3. All the best , Great work!!!

  4. You guys are the rockstars of GV. Good work. Keep it up !!


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